This means that the blade offset is not set correctly. When 90 degree corners are rounded, that means that the blade offset value is too low and needs to be increased. When there are "spikes" protruding where there should be a 90 degree corner, that means the blade offset value is set too high and needs to be lowered. 

Here is an example:


In Pro 1 you can adjust this value by clicking Settings, then select Cutter. In Pro 2 you can adjust this value by clicking on the scissors on the left side of the screen then select the Tool Settings tab.   

Usually a blade offset of around 0.03cm, 0.3mm, or 0.0118 inches is sufficient. In some cases the value needs to be set slightly higher or lower depending on the degree of the cutting edge for your blade. The box of blades usually shows the correct value depending on the degree of the blades edge, however some cutter models have a built-in blade offset compensation programmed into the machine which can affect this value. 

For more information about the blade offset, please review our video tutorial which gives a more detailed visual representation of this setting and how it works found by clicking here